Vaccination Data


Vaccination data has been of particular interest over recent months. This section aims to assist in the navigation of our API to enable quick, easy access to vaccination data at the health region, provincial and national levels.

The attributes for vaccination data are the same across endpoints, with the exception of subregions which is outlined in the next section.

Attribute Description
vaccinations The total number of doses administered
vaccinated The total number of people fully vaccinated; effectively, the total number of 2nd doses administered.
boosters_1 The total number of additional (3rd) doses administered.
vaccines_distributed The total number of vaccines delivered to a province for administration.

Subregion Data

Vaccination data by subregion is available for select provinces and territories.

Type Dates URI Summary
Single Subregion All /reports/sub-regions/CODE Returns time-series of all data available for a subregion
All Subregions Current /reports/sub-regions/summary Returns current data for all subregions
All Subregions Recent /reports/sub-regions/recent Returns the 15 most recent reports for each subregion
All Subregions All Due to large payload, only available upon request. Returns time-series of all data for all subregions

As previously mentioned, the attributes for subregion level vaccination data are different than all other vaccination endpoints. The attributes are as below:

Attribute Description
total_dose_x The total number of a particular dose administered in the region.
percent_dose_x The percentage of residents in each subregion who have received a particular dose.
source_dose_x The format of the original source data; total or percent

Some jurisdictions only report percentages or only raw data, and not both. However, when precise population data is available, the source data (either total or percent) is automatically converted to an estimated percentage or estimated total value, making both formats available to users. The source_dose_x attribute indicates which format is the original, precise value.

This permits use of a consistent format across subregions with differing sources.

Eligible and Total Percentages

To further add to complexity, total population data is not available for all sub-regions. Instead, some have only released 'eligible' population values, which excludes the portion of the population that cannot yet receive the vaccine. Please refer to the table below to ensure that you are familiar with the significance of the data from subregions from each province:

Province Subregion Percentage Type
AB Total Population
SK Total Population
NT Total Population
ON Total Population
MB Eligible Population Only
NL Eligible Population Only

Health Region Data

Vaccination data is available for most health regions.

Type Dates URI Summary
Single Health Region All /reports/regions/HR_UID Returns time-series of all data available for a region, including vaccination data
All Health Regions Current /summary/split/hr Returns current data for all regions, including vaccination data
All Health Regions All Due to large payload, only available upon request. Returns time-series of data for all regions, including vaccination data

Provincial Data

Vaccination data is available for all provinces

Type Dates URI Summary
Single Province All /reports/province/:code Returns time-series of all data available for a province, including vaccination data
All Provinces Current /summary/split Returns current data for all provinces, including vaccination data
Single Provinces All /vaccines/age-groups/province/:code Returns time-series of age data for vaccinations in a province

National Data

Type Dates URI Summary
National All /reports/ Returns time-series of all data available, including vaccination data
National Current /summary/ Returns current data, including vaccination data
National All /vaccines/age-groups/ Returns time-series of age data for vaccinations